Make money on eBay

Today we’re going to make money online by selling The Beatles extended player (EP) on eBay.

Our exclusive collections of The Beatles hopefully will be our start to earn money online, of course via eBay. But before that, first we’re going to need an eBay account to start selling and making money online, obviously. And numbers of EP collections as well. Lastly, I suppose we need to write a couple line of good descriptions about our product.

As you can see on the video and few of our photo galleries below, product is still in a good condition and I suppose below will help when you’re making your decision to buy.

Here we have a 45rpm with From Me To You / Thank You Girl / Please Please Me / Love Me Do. This is a recording first published 1963 with PARLOPHONE label.

make money on ebaymake money on ebay

3 Responses to "Make money on eBay"

  1. hey, im bidding on this, probobly gonna win becouse im the only bidder. I just wanted to know, is that a first print?

  2. Hi Keithpunk,

    On the label stated first published 1963.
