How to make money on eBay effectively

Selling stuff on eBay is one way to make money online. For some people, selling on eBay will cost you a lot of time. In another word, to much work to be done but the return is too little.

However, if you know the tactics on how to make money on eBay and are doing this in a proper way, selling on eBay will be a good platform for you to success.
make money on eBay

So if you have decided to sell, here are my few tips that could lead you to success in making money on eBay;

This is very important. Use picture that show the environment of the product. As potential buyers cannot touch it and to buy from an unknown seller, what they need is a clear picture of the product.

Good Description
A precise description title will help your listing to get bid from eBay users. A description title must be simple but precise. For example if you are selling a used shoe, you should write “ADIDAS Adineo – Used sport/jogging shoes size 8 good condition”

Product Research
Make a research about product that you want to sell. What you need to know such as product demand and pricing. Make a quick research on Google before posting item to sell on eBay.

Some people says that to start sell on Thursday with 10 days bid length. By doing this you will get to sell over the full weekend. More visitors/eBay users log in during weekend.

Hope this will be a guideline for you to start making money on eBay.

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